For those not used to working from home, you have probably discovered the challenges of creating a suitable home office. These are some of the tips our team at Icons of Denmark has found useful over the last few days as we have learned to adapt to our new working environment.
1. Create your dedicated workspace
Is this at the kitchen table or a study nook? Make sure you allocate a dedicated space in your home so you can feel connected to your work, while still feeling comfortable and productive.
2. Stay connected
We forget that for most of us a large amount of our day is filled up with conversations with colleagues and clients. At Icons we spend a few minutes each morning speaking with a colleague to catch up on our previous day or what we want to achieve the next. Throughout the day we make sure we share and celebrate all of the successes to motivate our colleagues and keep spirits high.
3. Keep a routine
Our bodies and minds may enjoy that extra half hour each morning to sleep a little longer, but it’s important to wake up and get out of bed before your usual start time. Prepare a coffee, some breakfast or go for a walk to emulate the morning commute. Now you will be ready to start the day.
4. Exercise and ergonomics
The beauty of working from home is that you can adjust your workday to suit you. Exercising at lunchtime may mean you take up an extra half hour of your lunch break, but you can make up the time you usually would use commuting home.
Exercising and moving around additionally helps with a major issue we will find working from home – suitable ergonomic furniture. Home furniture is generally not suited for intensive work so it is suggested you change chairs, heights, and workstations where you can. Stay relaxed in your posture and try not to hunch or tense your back.
5. Background noise
Our showroom is constantly filled with music as we all find it helps with our mood and productivity. Ambient or classical music is proven to increase work productivity as it slows down your heartbeat and relaxes your mind with its repetitious compositions.
Wondering how to work effectively from home? This Danish furniture company knows how